Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Challenge: This Day We Fight!

Men, where did we get the sissified idea that following Christ meant sitting still and listening to the preacher tell us about Jesus?  Not from Jesus.  From whom did we accept the lie that what God wants from His sons is for us to be quiet and behave?  Again - - not from Jesus.  How many times does God speak to His sons in His Word and admonish us to "Be Good"?  The answer is:  NEVER!

God does not treat us as children to be scolded.  He exhorts us as men.  "Be strong!" God says to His sons at least 30 times - - not "Be Quiet".  The word "Courageous" occurs 13 times in the Bible (NIV) and only once is it used as a description of a historical person.  The other 12 times it is God's charge spoken to His sons -- you and me - - and people like us.  Not once, as I mentioned, does God chastise us to "Behave" or "Be Good", but rather he calls us to "Be a man" and "Do Good" (I found 15 such occurrences in about a 2-minute search of His Word.)  Following Christ isn't passive.  It's Active!

God isn't looking to subdue His sons or subjugate us, though that is what our enemy, the faithless & accursed Satan, would have us think.  God is looking to set us free and to turn us loose.  Strong & Courageous Men, turned loose to wreak havoc on our Enemy's kingdom.

Jesus sets "The Challenge" before us all in His charge to Peter (recorded in  Matthew's gospel 16:18) when he says, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not be able to stand against it."  Take note that Jesus doesn't say, "Satan and his demons will not be able to bash in the gates of my church".  Hey! we're not on the defensive here.  Our Lord's call & longing is for His sons to go on the offensive.  To storm the gates of hell that have so long enslaved and held captive those whom God loves - - those for whom Jesus gave His life - - and liberate them to experience life at it's fullest now and life that never ends.

Tired of sitting and trying to behave?  Good!  God didn't wire men for that nonsense.  Be strong & courageous.  Be a Man and DO good!

Not inspired?  Click this link
 "This Day We Fight!"
and watch & listen as Aragorn (from J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings") exhorts his men to storm the gates of the enemy.  And remember, God exhorts us to do same.  A day may come when the courage of men fails.  But it is not this day.  This day we fight.

This is Challenge Pointe.

Semper Fi!